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Sort Alarm at run time

  • RajeshGandhi - 2007-07-31


    I need to sortlist the alarms in alarm table at run time..I heared that OSCAT161 library is available to perform the actions....i had downloaded the Library OSCAT 160 and 173 i had tried but i dont think there is some Function for dynamic sorting...there are some Global variables For sorting SORT_PRIORITY which had declared in the Alarm trend Library..in alarm trend library there are many functions i was not able to understand the function and the parameters passing to that function.

    Can anyone send me a sample project to sorting the alarm in alarm table. during runtime or can any one provide some help document of Alarmtrend library.

    If Oscat library contains a function for sorting then which function have to use to sort which function i have use...

    Expecting Guideness..

    Rajesh G

  • khoadio - 2020-01-29

    I am also looking for solutions to these issues.


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