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Hiding the Mouse Cursor in Target Visualization

  • zimbricd - 2008-04-18

    Is there a way to hide the mouse pointer in non-touch screen applications using Target Visualization? I have searched extensively on the Web and tried numerous registry keys in the Windows CE 5.0 registry with no success. Any ideas would be most appreciated.

  • advantex - 2008-04-19

    You may be able to do this at the processor end however I don't know what sort of PLC/IPC you have. Using Wago IPC for example it is possible to change the touch from USB to USB_nocursor. Have a read up and see if you can do something like this.

  • zimbricd - 2008-04-19

    Thanks for the relply. This application involves a Beckhoff CX1010 running Windows CE 5.0. We came up with a simple workaround for now, by writing a commnad line program to move the cursor off screen, which runs once on bootup and the problem is solved.

    I will check the other suggestion though, of using USB_nocursor key. I will see if there is anything documented on this registry entry. Thanks for the tip.



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