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Network too complex error

  • cicciopalloz - 2021-07-14

    Good morning everyone,

    I'm trying to do some changes at a project software for plc ABB-PM564-ETH.
    I'm running Automation Builder 2.4.1 with codesys 2.3.9

    When i try to modify anything in the program block (LD) i get the error message "Netowrk too complex". So i can't add anyting to any network in any POU. I can't even delete network or instructions..
    I've also tried to clean and rebuild but nothing changed.

    How can I solve it? Any idea?

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-07-14

    Error 4071
    "Network too complex"
    Divide up the network into several networks.

    According to the hint, Clean and rebuild alone will not help you.
    You should divide the network into smaller less complex networks.

    Good luck


    Last edit: hermsen 2021-07-14
  • cicciopalloz - 2021-07-14

    Actually i tried, but as i said, i cannot modify any networks. I can't delete any operand insider the network nor the entire network.
    I have tried to install Automation Builder to another pc and the same project seems works fine.


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