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Memory addressing

  • oistein - 2022-07-03

    When i set a bit in address %M34.0 i want the word MW34 to be changed, but certanly it does not work as expected. What do i do wrong.

    From Global variable list:
    Alarm33 AT %MX34.0: BOOL;
    Alarm34 AT %MX34.1: BOOL;
    Alarm35 AT %MX34.2: BOOL;
    Alarm36 AT %MX34.3: BOOL;
    Alarm37 AT %MX34.4: BOOL;
    Alarm38 AT %MX34.5: BOOL;
    Alarm39 AT %MX34.6: BOOL;
    Alarm40 AT %MX34.7: BOOL;
    Alarm41 AT %MX35.0: BOOL;
    Alarm42 AT %MX35.1: BOOL;
    Alarm43 AT %MX35.2: BOOL;
    Alarm44 AT %MX35.3: BOOL;
    Alarm45 AT %MX35.4: BOOL;
    Alarm46 AT %MX35.5: BOOL;
    Alarm47 AT %MX35.6: BOOL;
    Alarm48 AT %MX35.7: BOOL;

    AlarmReg2 AT %MW34: INT;

    See also picture.

    If one of the bits is true i want to tell that alarm is active by checking the word MW34.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2022-07-03

    MW34 is likely MX68.0 through MX69.7

  • oistein - 2022-07-03

    Thanks i see. This was very different form Siemens world...
    So for a byte its the same. Word: devided by 2. DWord:devided by 4?


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