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Create custom event

  • ZRomik - 2012-03-02

    How I can create my custom event? Which parameters I should send to CreateEvent2 function?

  • shooter - 2012-03-03

    go to TASKS and set the running from freewheel to event driven.
    now your task is done when a something happens.

  • ZRomik - 2012-03-03

    No. I want to create custom event like Delphi. On some cases rise this event. And in FB recieve event and do some work.
    CmpEventMgr library have FB EventCreate and EventCreate2. But which parameters I should send to FB?

  • ashoksr90 - 2023-06-26

    Hey ZRomik,

    I am trying to do the same. Any suggestions to where to start?


    • hermsen

      hermsen - 2023-06-27

      You are reacting to a post from over a decade ago.

      • ashoksr90 - 2023-08-08

        I did notice. I assumed someone would actually share how to do it rather than pointing out the timelines.


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