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  • wordax - 2022-07-06

    I am asking help because I actually working on a lightning system control with DALI and a Wago PLC200 750-8210 on codesys V2.3. So, I am using the DALI_647_04 library and I have a problem with a VAR_IN_OUT variable. I didn't really understand of the meaning of these but I need them for some block like "FbDaliOperatingHours" or "FbSettingsControlGear". Whenever I put this variable and build my program, I obtain this error : "Error 4061 : PLC_PRG(6):"VAR_IN_OUT" parameter 'axSelet' of 'DALI' must be used. So if anyone know how to "setup" this kind of variable I will be glad to receive some help.

  • sgronchi - 2022-07-11

    You need to provide a variable (from the name I think an array of BOOLs) to the FB, that the block can then read or write. You pass it like you pass a VAR_INPUT, except the FB can change it.


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