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Oscat install

  • Alan1954 - 2008-03-05

    Hi, I have downloaded and attempted to install the Oscat271 Library

    ( I needed a FIFO function)

    It seems to install OK and I can access all of the POU's and put a FIFO into my program.

    However, when I compile the program I now get an error as follows...

    Erro7 3700:INT_TO_BCD (2): A POU with name "INT_TO_BCD" is already in library "oscat271.lib"

    I also get a second error message, as above but for "BCD_TO_INT

    PLC is an ABB AC500

    CodeSys is V2.3.8.5 Oct 2007

    Any help or advice would be appreciated


  • Rolf-Geisler - 2008-03-06


    this happens, if you have a POU of same name in another library again. Check the other libraries included into your project.


  • hugo - 2008-03-06

    As Rolf already told you two different libs using the same name.

    check if you really need all the libraries,

    if yes you could exclude portions of the oscat lib from compilation

    you could also open the oscat lib as a project with file open and modify it as you wish

  • Alan1954 - 2008-03-12

    Thanks Guys



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