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Vel_move and .bBusy

  • devittjl - 2006-10-02

    I amd using Vel_move (CoDeSys with TLC 63x controller).

    I am having trouble getting the bAbort input to release the block for other mode.

    How do I keep the block active until bBusy turns false?


  • B.Roth - 2006-10-04

    Hello you have to call this FB cyclic when you use it.

    You have also to check for the berrorOut.

    Then the behavior is described like in the online-help.

    "At the positive edge on bExecute, the velocity mode is started with the speed set in diVelocity. The output bBusy is active during this run. The movement can be interrupted with bBreak and aborted with bAbort. Movements are finished when bBusy becomes FALSE. If an error occurs during the movement, bErrorOut is set and the movement is terminated. At the next positive edge on bExecute, the current motion is continued with the now-updated input parameters."

    If you have more problems with the TLC6 contact the local support of Berger Lahr you find on : http://www.berger-lahr.com m


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