Communication Error (#0) for IFM controller

  • jcjrock - 2010-02-17

    I am new to IFM controllers and Codesys software. I recently purchased

    an IFM R360 CR0505 controller and wired up the controller for only

    Power and Serial Communication (TX, RX, GND).

    I tried to communicate "login" with the Codesys V2.9.3 but I get a

    "Communication Error (#0) ". I've tried changing the "communication

    parameters" but with no luck for the past two days. Also you should

    know that I am using an unlicensed "free" version of Codesys. I

    thought it should still work from what I read.

    Is there anything in the "communication parameters" that I need to be

    aware of in order to communicate with the CR0505? Any help would be

    greatly appreciated.

  • t.lundahl - 2010-02-18

    I have no personal experience from IFM controller, but the controller should have a valid CodeSys license and you are only useing the programming tool what I understand.

    Have you disabled the firewall in your computer?


  • hatgine-amit - 2010-03-13

    Hallo jcjrock,

    1.CoDeSys which is freely available on internet does not contain ifm controllers Targets and its libraries.

    2.Please get a licence copy of software from authorised person from ifm.

    3.There is another software called "DOWNLOADER" which is most useful software to establisg communication with ifm controller.

    4.Please Note PIN No. 24 which is TEST pin, should have + 24 VDC while programming.

    Best of Luck.....



  • spfeif - 2010-03-16

    Amit is correct, but he may have assumed one more missing step. You need to download an OS via the downloader first before downloading an application. The TEST pin is another gotcha that a lot of people miss.

    If you first power on an IFM PLC out of the box the light will be flashing fast green about 5Hz. This means the PLC is in bootloader mode and there is no OS on the PLC. The OS needs to match the CoDeSys Target version that you selected. Like if you download a V4.00.01 OS you need to select a CR0505 V4 Target. If you downlaod V5.00.00 OS you need to select a V5 target. Granted you have not received the error that the target doesn't match, but this would be the reason why.

    Are you trying to connect via serial or CAN? Default baud rate for IFm PLC is now 57600.


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