Converting a program into a function block

  • tonypdean - 2016-05-20

    I have a program written as a SFC but I now need to implement several instances of the program so I thought it best to have the code as a function block. Is there a way to convert the program into a function block or would I need to start again?



  • Anonymous - 2016-05-21

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    Open the object. Change the word PROGRAM to FUNCTION_BLOCK above where your variables are defined. Close the object. It should switch to an FB. I use v3.x now and this is how it is done in 3.x, but if I remember correctly, it was the same on v2.3.

  • tonypdean - 2016-05-21

    Thanks very much for your reply, I will try this.

  • shooter - 2016-05-30

    not correct , as a program has no I/O defined.
    however it is possible to do:

    copy the program and give it other name (something like FB_SFC_blabla)
    change indeed the name program to Function_block
    now define what variables are used as Input
    and as Output and which ones are global and local etc.
    within the program no changes are needed.
    check the real I/O Tags as you will mess it up when using double.

    It is normal for a beginner to do it this way.
    I only use Function blocks and my main program just calls blocks. so my main program is max one page, same for a sub btw make them max one page so you can overview what happens.


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