Soft PLC?

  • hcchin - 2011-10-27


    What is the SOFT PLC?

    What is the different between PLC and Soft PLC?



    JAPIB - 2011-10-27


    A PLC is specific hardware as Moeller, Wago, ABB, ...
    A Soft PLC is a program that runs on a computer.

    When you install CoDeSys V2, a Soft PLC called "CoDeSys SP PLCWinNT" is installed too.

    Best regards.

  • hcchin - 2011-10-28


    Do you means we can use the "CoDeSys SP PLCWinNT" as a PLC Controller on our PC?

    So We can make use our PC/Laptop to communicate/control with remote I/O?
    (provided if we have the protocol master card is installed on it, like profibus, deviceNet and CanOpen)



    JAPIB - 2011-10-28


    Yes of course you can use a PC as a PLC !
    Generally we use an industrial PC rather than a laptop.
    With communication boards, networks and input-output decentralized stations.
    You can use : Profibus, CANopen, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, ....

    But you should know two things :
    1Β°) there are two soft PLC : CoDeSys PLC WintNT is dependent on Windows and CoDeSys SP RTE is not dependant on Windows.

    2Β°) These are not free soft PLC. You need a licence to use. Without licence they operate in demo mode during two hours, and after they should be re-started

    Best regards.

  • kumareasu - 2012-03-17

    I want to use and IPC(Industrial PC) as PLC. OS may be any coomecially available. I want to buy CoDeSys RT to work with Windows OS.Where to buy and how to Buy?

  • KiranK - 2012-03-19

    JAPIB hat geschrieben:
    Ask to CoDeSys System Partner in your country.
    You must have a look here : ... empartners
    Best regards

    Hi JAPIB,

    Your post were really helpful to understand the differnec between the Soft PLC and PLC
    I was eventully not knowing some of these facts which you talked about, but now i am clear
    I just wanted to ask how may instnace of Codesys can we run on One PC as we have given option to have 4 tasks, i will be very greatful to know it

    Thank you,

  • shooter - 2012-05-21

    a soft PLC same as a PLC can have multitasks in one program.
    i prefer to have one program with 4 tasks, so the overview is better.


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