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  • maeda - 2007-08-21

    Hi people!

    I have some questions about running PLC under QNX.

    I would like to know what I´m doing wrong, because I can´t connect with the runtime.

    First of all, I created de TSP for QNX and installed the target successfully.

    I have the runtime system running in the QNX computer.

    Then I configured the communication parameters. I´m using local gateway server and TCP/IP communication channel.

    When I try to LOGIN, this messages shows up "The selected PLC profile does not match the profile of the target! The connection will be canceled.".

    I noticed that the runtime accept the client, but then reject the connection because of this problem.

    It´s clear that I´m doing some crap! hehehehe

    What else I have to do to fix it??? I read the manual but I can´t figure out the problem.

    Best regards!

    Marcio Maeda Fukase

  • Ralph Holz - 2007-08-21

    Hi Marcio,

    The message means the target ID inside your runtime and the target ID inside your target files are different.



  • maeda - 2007-08-21

    Hi Ralph,

    Thanks for helping me!

    Well, I received a target range from 3s-software and the QNX runtime(binary only). From this range I choosed a target ID and created the target file. How can I set the target ID that I choosed inside my runtime? Do I have to edit rts3s.cfg???

    As you can see I´m quite lost...hehehe


  • Ralph Holz - 2007-08-22

    That seems my help was not really helpfull. But your question seems like getting started questions. You schould ask them to your dedicatet 3S developer.

    OK - He is currently in holidays but will be back at the beginning of september.

  • maeda - 2007-08-22

    Things are really confused!!! I don´t want to flood you with questions! I will wait for Mr. Zauner come back from vacation.

    Thanks a lot anyway Ralph!


  • Ralph Holz - 2007-08-23

    Dont mention it. It wasn't really helful


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