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Why "Step over" and "Step in" are disabl

  • Wizard - 2006-09-18

    I use CoDeSys ver. (Oct 18 2005). When I run my programm in "Simulation mode" , set breakpoint, and when workflow reachs breakpoint it marks with red, as default. I can use Step Over and Step In commands.

    But when I run my program on real controller (using RTS + StrongARM + Nucleus OS) , workflow stops when reachs breakpoint but it does not marks with red and commands "Step over" and "Step in" are disabled.

    I can't understand why! Any ideas?

    Maybe somebody can help me? Where I can find code in RTS responsible for feedback to the CoDeSys evironment when breakpoint is reached?

    Thanks for your answers!

  • Erik Böhm - 2006-09-18


    Maybe you have to activate the Debugging in Project->Options->Compile Options -> Check Box "Debugging"

    Best Regards


  • Wizard - 2006-09-18

    Erik Böhm hat geschrieben:
    Maybe you have to activate the Debugging in Project->Options->Compile Options -> Check Box "Debugging"
    Best Regards

    This option is already activated. Debug is working. I mean that workflow stops on breakpoints but "Step over" and "Step in" are disabled.

    Besides there is no such a problem in Simulation mode .

    Probably something with my RTS but I do not know what exactly.

  • Erik Böhm - 2006-09-18


    If theese options are ghosted (grey) in the Menu, only 3S can help you.

    Looks to me like your Target does not support theese options.

    Best Regards



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