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TCP / IP Sockets Scorpion Vision / Codesys

  • Anonymous - 2006-11-28

    Originally created by: Govert den Hartog

    Hello Expert,

    I have the following problem with Codesys SP RTE.

    On one industrial PC, I have Codesys SP RTE and Scorpion Vision Software.

    I want to communicate between those two programs with tcp/ip sockets.

    Scorpion Vision Software is the TCP/IP server and it sends position strings (x-pos., y-pos., angle) to the Codesys client. The client must receives this position strings. But the doesn't receive, an error arrives in the 'byRecv' variable in TCPClient' like 'String Overflow'. But I don't have send a big string. When I send a test string like (hello) with HyperTerminal, this error also arrives.

    Do you have an idea what the problem is?

    Can you help me with this problem?

    Are there users of Codesys that use also the TCP IP sockets?

    With kind regards,

    Govert den Hartog

    DH Automation Technology

  • gravieren - 2006-11-28


    Under CoDoSys-Forum are Help under English Language posible.

    Click on the right top side button (English flag).

    else , when the bad English is it for you O.K ?

    Scorpion Vision Software is the TCP/IP server and it sends position strings (x-pos., y-pos., angle) to the Codesys client

    Sorry, are you sure, "Scorpion" send the Position to Client ?

    How does it know, what Action you want ?


    w www.magnia.de w


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