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GIT and Remotes

  • nafichir - 2023-08-09

    I'm new with Codesys and GIT.
    We like to work in a groupe with codesys so we decided to use git.

    All is working quite good.
    The only thing we don't get it to push a projekt out of codesys.
    Codesys doesn't accept the sign in content for github.com.
    We allways get an error about the credentials.

    One PC has installed Codesys PDE, git and github-Destop, the secound has only installed Codesys PDE.

    I hope you have an idea.

    We could also only pull a public repository by codesys from github.com
    We allready changed the Password with less safty and back, doesn't help.

    Thanks, Stefan


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