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CODESYS Installer CLI - commands syntax description

  • kislov - 2022-03-18


    The built-in help of APInstaller.CLI.exe only lists the commands, but does not explain how to use them (for example, the number and format of arguments).

    Is there detailed help or is it planned for development?

  • lyngaansns - 2024-03-04

    You can do APInstaller.CLI.exe --installAddOn -? for example for a little bit more information.

  • lyngaansns - 2024-03-04

    If you want to install a package from command line this works for me
    APInstaller.CLI.exe --installAddOnFromFile --sourcefile "path to package.package" --location "C:\Program Files\CODESYS\CODESYS"

  • kevinrn - 2024-03-20

    I'm also looking for some help here. Explicit for the --searchCriteria parameter.

  • kevinrn - 2024-03-20

    I'm also looking for some help here. Explicit for the --searchCriteria parameter.


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