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Cannot download. Codepiees overlap.

  • timrowe1984 - 2016-10-31

    After creating a blank application using the Standard Project template and then either connecting to the Win Sys Tray or simulating the project I receive the same error message "Cannot download. Codepieces overlap". Fatal errors also appear in the build message area. The installed version is 3.5 SP9 Patch 3; however the same error occurs on previous versions. Opening example projects works fine. See attached for a screen shot in simulation mode.

    IMG: Capture.JPG

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-11-01

    could you please attach this project to check?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-11-03

    this does not occure on my Version (which is the same)
    Does this happen with every added empty project?


  • timrowe1984 - 2016-11-03

    Edwin Schwellinger hat geschrieben:
    this does not occure on my Version (which is the same)
    Does this happen with every added empty project?

    Thanks for the reply, the error occurs if I use the "Standard Project" template or an empty project and add PLC_PRG and the task configuration separately. Running a simulation or connecting to the Win V3 produces the same error. Using a manufacturer's template, running in simulation mode or downloading to hardware works. I am trying to evaluate the functionality of the Test Manager and obviously this is hindering the process. I have copied the templates from a colleague's computer and this doesn't fix it, I shall try to re-install SP9 patch 3.

  • timrowe1984 - 2016-11-07

    timrowe1984 hat geschrieben:
    Thanks for the reply, the error occurs if I use the "Standard Project" template or an empty project and add PLC_PRG and the task configuration separately. Running a simulation or connecting to the Win V3 produces the same error. Using a manufacturer's template, running in simulation mode or downloading to hardware works. I am trying to evaluate the functionality of the Test Manager and obviously this is hindering the process. I have copied the templates from a colleague's computer and this doesn't fix it, I shall try to re-install SP9 patch 3.

    Reinstalling CODESYS has not solved the problem!

  • timrowe1984 - 2016-12-14

    timrowe1984 hat geschrieben:
    Reinstalling CODESYS has not solved the problem!

    Maybe somebody at 3S could explain what "Codepieces overlap" means?
    This has reoccurred after installing 3.5.9 Sp5 from the CODESYS store, previous to this there was only installed a TTControl 3.5.8 and it only occurs on one PC!

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2016-12-15

    During a training some weeks ago there was a customer with exactly the same problem.
    It was solved by un-installing all CODESYS versions, including the TT-Control one.
    After a restart of the PC and installing the latest CODESYS version everything worked fine again.

  • timrowe1984 - 2016-12-16

    TimvH hat geschrieben:
    During a training some weeks ago there was a customer with exactly the same problem.
    It was solved by un-installing all CODESYS versions, including the TT-Control one.
    After a restart of the PC and installing the latest CODESYS version everything worked fine again.

    Thanks, at least this has shown that it's not just me! I can uninstall everything, and only install one service pack e.g. 3.5.10 but when another service pack e.g. TTControl 3.5.8 Safety is installed the error occurs. But what does the error mean? How can I install more than one service pack with and without safety plugin? V2.3 seemed allot more stable than 3.5!


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