Rpi zero w lost license after 4.11 update

  • danwoodlock - 2024-04-14

    Hello all,

    Encountered an issue with my zero which seems to have happened after the 4.11 update. It now runs in demo mode (2hr) and I am trying to see what the appropriate steps are prior to contacting codesys directly.

    Background: I recently did a fresh install of w11 on my pc, so it seems "c:\ProgramData\CODESYS\Licenses\" only has information related to my pi5, which I licensed just this past Friday.

    I have all my license documentation about my rpi zero as far as the emails received, but when I try to claim using the ticket number it says its already been used, or something to that effect, which it was.

    Currently trying to perform device license reader, which is taking some time.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-04-16

    Please write to 'my question' in the CODESYS Store.


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