paulpotat - 2021-08-02


I have a project with one ethercat master device and several ethercat slave devices.
I mapped some variables in the "EtherCAT I/O Mapping" Tab of each slave device to use them in my code.

My project compile without errors on its own, but when I try to run it on my PLC I get some errors :

<device>: The address %IW640 is already used.

I'm having a hard time understanding how Codesys maps addresses for each variable. For example here it says the address IW640 is already used but I don't see any device using it when I check the other one's mapping.

From my understanding Codesys is not using the address displayed in the "Address" column when the programm is running. Instead it dynamically assign an address for each variable, but some of them get the same value.

Edit : I fixed addresses for every channel of every ethercat device of my project : each channel now has a unique address. However I still get the same errors, and when I search for the addresses supposed to be used more then once with ctrl+F I only get one result.
I really don't understand what's going on...

Could someone help me with that ?
Thank you very much

Best regards


Last edit: paulpotat 2021-08-04