HELP Delete/Remove online user and password.

  • TiakTiak - 2017-12-28

    I have been playing around with online user and now i have _ up my PFC200 up. I use the Codesys image on the controller

    I have tried following.
    1. Factory reset. Still every time i scan the network and try to go online it ask for user and password.
    2. Reset origin. I can't do that be curse when i go online it still every time i scan the network and try to go online it ask for user and password.
    3. Tried to flash it back to an old wago image. it won't flash back, and i also want the Codesys image on the controller.
    So i'm really lost. I don't care about the program on the controller i just need to reset everything.
    i have the root password to the web management, but this don't help me out, and i can also telnet and ftp.
    Just not download a new project to the controller.

    I Really hope someone can help me out ASAP, i spend a lot of time try and fail


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-12-28

    Hi Jesper,

    How to bring the PFC back to original Wago delivery state:

    Write the firmware from Wago to an SD card boot from it,
    and copy the SD to the Flash, (WBM)
    After doing this, nothing remains from CODESYS V3 on the PFC.


  • TiakTiak - 2018-01-02

    Edwin Schwellinger hat geschrieben:
    Hi Jesper,
    How to bring the PFC back to original Wago delivery state:
    Write the firmware from Wago to an SD card boot from it,
    and copy the SD to the Flash, (WBM)
    After doing this, nothing remains from CODESYS V3 on the PFC.

    Just a follow up on my issue.
    I was able to get everything working with the great help from Edwin.
    The solution was to write the old wago firmware in and afterwards upgrade to Codesys 3.5.
    Thx again Edwin.


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