Html5 controls error

  • anttimurtsi - 2024-01-29

    Im trying to create new HTML5 controls to my project but every control that i create gives a error "It is only usable with active overlay support and within visualisation on webvisu" ive looked to fix this problem but havent found anything that wouldve solved it.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-01-29

    which plc in which version are you using?

    • anttimurtsi - 2024-01-31

      Plc device is Codesys control win v3 x32

      And codesys version is v3.5 sp17 patch 3

  • anttimurtsi - 2024-02-05

    Still got this problem havent found a fix

  • anttimurtsi - 2024-02-07

    We have tried that but apparently the issue still persists

  • anttimurtsi - 2024-02-07

    Last edit: anttimurtsi 2024-02-07
  • anttimurtsi - 2024-02-13

    The issue still persist even though the client animation support is ticked on in settings


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