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Multiple download using python script

  • ramonahl - 2021-10-11

    I need to download the same codesys program to 10 controllers.
    I would like to do this operation automatically using a codesys python script, but I do not find samples or enought information.
    I am logging to one controller and downloading the app, but I do not know how change the destination IP, to change of controller.
    Do you have some example script to do a multiple download to some codesys controllers?

    Best regards.

  • necati - 2023-03-22

    Help needed.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2023-03-22

    It is not the best answer, but maybe an alternative is to use the CODESYS Automation Server. You don't need any Python knowledge and anybody (without and coding knowledge) can schedule when a certain version of an application can be loaded on the various machines.


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