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SVN commit problems in interface library projects

  • esskaey - 2016-05-24

    Hi all,

    I currently have an interface library project in the SVN Repository(initially committed). I tried to change the keys (version number and namespace) in the Project Information and commit the changes back to the copy in the repository.

    I got the error: "The given key was not present in the dictionary" when I try to commit.

    The SVN commit only seems to work with the option "Automatically generate POUs for property access" in Project Information window. But this creates a conflict as the library is an interface library.

    Will greatly appreciate any workarounds to this problem.

    Environment: Schneider Electric SoMM v4.3



    IMG: Compile_Errors.png

    IMG: Error_SVN_Commit.png

  • Anonymous - 2016-06-08

    Originally created by: M.Schaber


    This is a bug which clearly should not happen.

    Usually, it's best to report SoM(M) problems directly to Schneider, as we have limited possibilities to debug and reproduce SoM(M) problems here at 3S.

    We need a stacktrace for further diagnostics. One possibility is to send us the project ( e support@codesys.com e ) in the broken state, so we can try to reproduce it. Another possibility is that you use some diagnostic tools to capture a stack trace of the exception. (I know that we Ship our DiagnosticToolLauncher.exe with standard CODESYS, but I don't know what =S= is shipping with SoM(M) - on the other hand, Visual Studio should also work).

    If the problem is related to the SVN Plugin, a workaround might be to use the "SVN Disconnect" function, then perform the modifications, and then perform an "Connect to existing project".


  • esskaey - 2016-06-14

    Hi Markus,

    Thanks for your reply.

    1. We tried with the SVN Disconnect function, but it did not do the trick for us

    2. We have implemented a workaround, in which we manually excluded ProjectInformation from the build process for interface libraries. Right click -> Properties -> Build tab -> Exclude from build check box.
      In this way, the svn was able to record the changes but still keep the interface library compilable.

    3. I have sent an interface library as you requested

    But a fix for this bug would save us a lot of time and effort




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