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ethernet/ip driver/Scanner

  • julspower - 2022-12-23

    im using schneider machine expert 2.0.3
    I have a plc that read many device in ethernet ip and modbus tcp
    work well untill I add the 17th device, compile error say ethernet/ip support only 16 max (only have 9 at this moment the others are modbus/tcp) but its the same scanner

    so Im looking at option on writting my own crude ethernet/ip driver to do some read on one of the remote io
    no luck nothing seem to exist ethernet/ip services is based on device which must be added to the project (I cannot because it wont compile with 17 devices)
    does something exist using the ip of the device to make some explicit exchange?

    Thanks guys
    happy holidays


    Last edit: julspower 2022-12-23

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