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library error

  • kevint - 2020-04-24

    Can someone please help with the following error:
    [ERROR] FileUtilities: Library Manager [CoDeSys_Control_Win_V3: PLC Logic: Application]: Could not open library '#SysDir'. (Reason: The placeholder library 'SysDir' could not be resolved.)

    I looked within the library and the SysDir exists.
    I have opened the example "FileUitlities" project and I get 7 similar errors for various utilities.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-04-24

    Right click the device in device tree and "Update" and select the latest controller.
    Then from the menu bar Project > Project Environment... > Set all to newest > OK

  • kevint - 2020-04-24

    Getting closer....
    Now I have errors during pre-compile.
    [ERROR] FileUtilities: SystemDir : Ambiguous use of name 'AM_WRITE_PLUS'

    The documentation says this is part of the library that is loaded.
    What does it need??

  • kevint - 2020-04-27

    Ended up having to add namespace to eliminate ambiguity.
    Someone should update the example.


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