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Oscat RTC_2 Function Block not working in Codesys V3.5 SP17

  • laloquera - 2021-09-26

    Hello, can someone please help me with some feedback. This function block it used to work in a previous versions of Codesys, but now it throws many errors when compiling. See the picture attached.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-09-26

    Please download the latest OSCAT lib from store which fixes the error. https://store.codesys.com/oscat-basic.html

    Additional tip: I usually remove the old OSCAT lib from the Library Repository. This is because, the version format used means the old one will be offered as an 'upgrade' whenever you start the project.

  • laloquera - 2021-09-26

    Yes, it worked. Thank you very much for your help. Many many thanks.


    Last edit: laloquera 2021-09-26

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