How to manage variable types larger than 64 bits - Ethernet/IP

4 days ago
4 days ago
  • opineiro - 4 days ago

    Hi there,

    I have a Keyence bar code reader connected to my plc through Ethernet/IP.
    The Bar code is 20 digits long (like 30100790020493036016), the scanner reads it correctly (I can verify that through the keyence software) but when it sends it through ETH/IP, it doesn't fit into a 64 bit variable and it trunks the data.(I've tried ULINT and LWord without success).
    When I loaded the EDS file, the read variable was defined as a byte with 128 bits length, which is quite strange for me. (see attached picture)
    How do I manage this variable?

  • ph0010421 - 4 days ago

    My guess is that's a STRING, not an INT type.
    And it's 128 bytes, not bits


    Last edit: ph0010421 4 days ago
  • opineiro - 4 days ago

    Thanks, that's what I thought initially.
    The point is that I can't select a String type variable. See the attached image

  • ph0010421 - 4 days ago

    So it's currently mapped to an array of BYTES? Can you create a UNION?

    TYPE sBytesString :
        AsBytes: ARRAY[0..127] OF BYTE;
        AsString: STRING(128);

    Map it to the bytes, read it in the STRING!

  • opineiro - 4 days ago

    Thanks, I'm going to try it!


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