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OPC-UA errors in log, how do I interpret the error codes?

  • MadsKaizer

    MadsKaizer - 2021-02-05

    I got a Codesys runtime on a PLC communicating with a SCADA platform.

    We keep loosing connection to the PLC and the PLC log inside Codesys IDE has a lot of the following lines

    warning: CmpOPCUAStack, 05-02-2021 10:01:58 - OpcUa_TcpListener_ReadEventHandler: Process Request returned an error (0x800B0000)!
    error: CmpOPCUAStack, 05-02-2021 10:01:58 - OpcUa_SecureListener_ProcessRequest: Closing channel due error 0x800B0000!
    error: CmpOPCUAStack, 05-02-2021 10:01:58 - OpcUa_Endpoint_BeginProcessRequest: Not able to create/send response. (0x800B0000)


    warning: CmpOPCUAStack, 05-02-2021 09:30:09 - OpcUa_TcpStream_Flush: Error writing to socket: 0x80B50000!
    warning: CmpOPCUAStack, 05-02-2021 09:30:09 - OpcUa_TcpStream_Flush: Error writing to socket: 0x80B50000!


    warning: CmpOPCUAStack, 04-02-2021 10:40:31 - OpcUa_SecureStream_Flush: Flush 0 failed with 0x80AD0000! (Last)
    warning: CmpOPCUAStack, 04-02-2021 10:40:31 - OpcUa_SecureStream_Flush: Could not flush transport stream! Status 0x80AD0000!
    warning: CmpOPCUAStack, 04-02-2021 10:40:31 - OpcUa_TcpStream_Flush: Error writing to socket: 0x80010000!

    But where can I find out what the hex error codes mean?

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-02-05

    They are defined by the standard, so I usually just Google for OPC UA 0x80010000

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-02-05

    If it is unencrypted then wireshark is useful for showing which request caused it to fall over.


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