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Codesys Git

  • kevinl - 2021-09-30

    Hi, i just downloaded Codesys Git and started to port our Projects from SVN to git...
    Unfortunately i get the error as attached when i try to initialize the repo....

    The Repo is on a external server, mounted over SMB in windows.

    another bug i found right out of the box, codesys git does not seem to be case sensitive (i.e i set path X:\Git\ProjectName, codesys creates the path X:\git\projectname)

    btw. is there no way to acces a SSH repo?

    Thank you for your help

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-09-30

    Hi. Strange I do not get that problem with the lowercase names for my SMB mount. Maybe it is to do with your external SMB server?

    You are right that ssh is not implemented yet in GIT, you will need to use https.

  • kevinl - 2021-09-30

    my server is linux based and ofcorse it is case sensitive. if the server is windows based it is not case sensitive, the case is just for the GUI.... guess there might be the difference.

    i think it might be too early to port all projects to GIT, we'd better stay on SVN for a while right?

    • i-campbell

      i-campbell - 2021-10-02

      Well, the SVN addon has been around for years, so is more mature than the git addon. There would also be some effort to make the switch. I think you must weigh up yourself, if the effort of switching, including dealing with the limitations you found, is less than the productivity you gain from switching to distributed git.

      If you wait to the next version, the git addon will have new features and bug fixes, and so your productivity gains will be even greater. This will make the decision easier for sure, but at the same time you may have lost some opportunity to start reaping the benifits of git and its distrubuted nature. The effort and the gains will be different for each team. I think for a team which is regularly on site, git has huge advantages.

  • ericalsop - 2021-10-01

    This is where I like Windows, because it's so much easier. So there is definitely a difference!


    Last edit: ericalsop 2021-10-01
    • kevinl - 2021-10-01

      well, this is not really a helpful comment....

  • ericalsop - 2021-10-01

    Then wait for the useful


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