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About Runtime testing without license in Pi4

  • ccwwppStep - 2020-09-24

    Dear Sir,

    I installed the Runtime of V3.5 SP16 in my Pi4.
    While i test it in Pi4, the runtime can run in 2 hours without license.
    But in my Pi4 , i only can run the runtime in 1 mins.

    Is that any change between Pi3 and Pi4?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-24

    today (24th) version will be released you need to update to this version,
    then these PI4 problems will be solved.

    • ccwwppStep - 2020-09-24

      Dear eschwellinger

      Thanks of your reply!
      And i am really love your prouducts and always try to sell to my japan customer.

      Please keep going and developed more amazing!

  • ccwwppStep - 2020-09-28

    Dear @eschwellinger,

    now the pi4 is running perfect in Codesys runtime.
    Thanks for your support


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