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How to configure CODESYSControl_User.cfg in order to use a specific network card for OPCUA Server

  • rossanoparis

    rossanoparis - 2023-08-25

    Hello at all

    I'd like to know how to configure CODESYSControl_User.cfg in order to use a specific network card for OPCUA Server.
    In the past, I tried to ask in "Forge" about this topic, but I could find neither help nor document informations about it.

    Reading the file "codesyscontrol.log" I see these logs

     OPC UA Server Started: 
     Hostname: NTLRPICTRL01, Port: 4840
     URL: opc.tcp://NTLRPICTRL01:4840
     Loopbackadapter activated.
     **All available networkadapters are used.**
     Multithreading activated. 3 workers used.

    My controller, which is a Linux PC, has got two network cards eth0 and eth1
    I whant to use the card with name "eth0" as a server for OPCUA and keep the "eth1" free for other stuffs.
    Is it possible ?

    Best regards

  • rossanoparis

    rossanoparis - 2023-08-28

    Thank you @eschwellinger

    Even tough I think the content of the link you provided is a bit messy.
    To bind OPCUA server to a specific adapter, I should have had insert the following section.


    But it doesn't work, I had to insert the following section instead to get the right configuration.




    Last edit: rossanoparis 2023-08-29
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-08-28

    Hi Rossano,
    thank you for the feedback,
    you are right this need to be changed in the faq section.



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