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Multiple HTTPClient

  • RSmith - 2021-08-06

    I'm using the Codesys HTTPClient function block. I have two instances in separate CFCs, each talking to a different IP address (2 x Raspberry Pi). It's been working ok, but yesterday the Codesys program was stuck waiting for replies from both devices.

    Sanity check: is it ok to use multiple instances of the HTTPClient to talk to different IP addresses? Or do I need to use only one instance and somehow manage the different requests so they can't be simultaneous?


  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-08-06


    Before we , the community, can help you further you should provide exact more details on architecture and software setup, otherwise we are just guessing. Can you share your software project as a projectarchive?


  • RSmith - 2021-08-06


    Unfortunately I can't upload full projectarchive, but I've attached screenshot showing the 2 different instances (hTTPClient_0 and hTTPClient_1), based on the single Codesys example. I'm using HTTP client ver in Codesys V3.5 SP15 Patch 4 on a Festo CPX-CEC-S1-V3.

    I hope that helps. I haven't been able to recreate the issue so perhaps it was network fault. I'd just like clarification that two instances of the client block should/shouldn't be acceptable.


  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-08-06

    Since both FB's are instantiated separately, they have individual memory allocated. None of that memory is shared by design.

    I really cannot say more without a project.


    Last edit: hermsen 2021-08-06
  • RSmith - 2021-08-06

    OK, thanks for your comments, it sounds like it should work. I'll see if the issue reoccurs.


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