I'm having some issues with dereferencing a pointer in a function block. I've tried to simplify the issue down to the following code:
VARÂ Â VarPlaceholder:Â Â Â Â Â Â ARRAY[1..255]OFBYTE;Â Â ptrPlaceholder:Â Â Â Â Â Â POINTERTOARRAY[1..255]OFBYTE;Â Â VarFloatingPoint:Â Â Â Â REAL;Â Â ptrFloatingPoint:Â Â Â Â POINTERTOREAL;END_VARptrPlaceholder:=ADR(VarPlaceholder);Â Â //getapointertoavariableoftypeARRAY[1..255]OFBYTEptrFloatingPoint:=ptrPlaceholder;Â Â Â Â //passthepointertoadifferenttypeofpointer,POINTERTOREALVarFloatingPoint:=ptrFloatingPoint^;Â Â Â Â //dereferencethepointerasaREAL
This code works as expected if I put it in a test program. If I change the values of the array, I get different REAL numbers in VarFloatingPoint.
However, if I put the exact same code in a function block and call it from the same test program, I will get an access violation exception on the third line, where it dereferences the pointer. Line 1 does get a valid pointer, and Line 2 does copy that pointer over to ptrFloatingPoint (see attached image).
Is there something different about the way a pointer is handled in a function block?
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Instead of using a POINTER TO ARRAY[1..255] OF BYTE; just use a pointer to BYTE and pass it the array.
You will still be able to iterate through the array in your FB.
This is what I do in TwinCAT and it works fine.
I tried using variable arrays but found some bugs. See this post: l viewtopic.php?t=7558#p17267 l
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Thank you for the replies. Yes, it was an alignment problem. If I get a pointer to BYTE, it can only be dereferenced as a WORD type if the address is divisible by 2, and as a DWORD type if the address is divisible by 4. So depending on where the pointer landed, it would work or not work.
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I'm having some issues with dereferencing a pointer in a function block. I've tried to simplify the issue down to the following code:
This code works as expected if I put it in a test program. If I change the values of the array, I get different REAL numbers in VarFloatingPoint.
However, if I put the exact same code in a function block and call it from the same test program, I will get an access violation exception on the third line, where it dereferences the pointer. Line 1 does get a valid pointer, and Line 2 does copy that pointer over to ptrFloatingPoint (see attached image).
Is there something different about the way a pointer is handled in a function block?
It could be an alignment trouble.
Try to create an array of 64 reals. Point to him an pointer to array of 254 bytes.
Buffer: array [0..63] of real.
Bytes:pointer to array[0..255] of byte....
Then the array of bytes will be aligned as an real.
Instead of using a POINTER TO ARRAY[1..255] OF BYTE; just use a pointer to BYTE and pass it the array.
You will still be able to iterate through the array in your FB.
This is what I do in TwinCAT and it works fine.
I tried using variable arrays but found some bugs. See this post: l viewtopic.php?t=7558#p17267 l
You are right Yannick
Thank you for the replies. Yes, it was an alignment problem. If I get a pointer to BYTE, it can only be dereferenced as a WORD type if the address is divisible by 2, and as a DWORD type if the address is divisible by 4. So depending on where the pointer landed, it would work or not work.