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Trace on Raspberry Pi SL - Not a traceable variable

  • lubos - 2022-01-12


    I try to add variable to trace monitor on CODESYS Raspberry Pi SL,
    but it is not possible. I see error message by variable field: "Not a traceable variable".
    Is there some support of trace on RPi?
    Version of engineering: CODESYS V3.5 SP16
    Version of runtime: codesyscontrol (armhf)

    Thanks for info!


    Last edit: lubos 2022-01-12
  • marekxc - 2023-07-20


    Please delete "DeviceTrace"

    You must add "Trace" this not the same "DeviceTrace".
    Select "Application" and click right mouse key.


    Last edit: marekxc 2023-07-20

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