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Modbus TCP Slave Unit Id

  • ashwinsekar - 2021-08-27

    I am trying to setup a modbus tcp communication between Control Win x64(Server) and a PLC(Client),
    The slave id of the PLC can be set only between 1 -247,

    I am able to read values using modscan from Control Win x64 setting the device ID to 255,

    Is it possible to change the Slave id of the modbus server any value between 1 to 247?

    I am using Codesys

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-08-27

    The Modbus TCP Spec at modbus.org says 0xFF should be used to address the device, and other addresses are for gateway architectures.
    I will see if there is a workaround, but you should in anycase suggest an improvement to your PLC Manufacturer.


    Last edit: i-campbell 2021-08-27

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