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  • pcimatti78 - 2020-09-10

    Hi to all,
    i'm using a personal created cam table with more points of the standard included:

    TYPE SMC_CAMTable_LREAL_8192_1 :
    Table: ARRAY [0..8191] OF LREAL;
    fEditorMasterMin: REAL;
    fEditorMasterMax: REAL;
    fEditorSlaveMin: REAL;
    fEditorSlaveMax: REAL;
    fTableMasterMin: REAL;
    fTableMasterMax: REAL;
    fTableSlaveMin: REAL;
    fTableSlaveMax: REAL;

    also reading the official documentation on

    i don't understand the purpose of these variables
    fEditorMasterMin: REAL;
    fEditorMasterMax: REAL;
    fEditorSlaveMin: REAL;
    fEditorSlaveMax: REAL;
    fTableMasterMin: REAL;
    fTableMasterMax: REAL;
    fTableSlaveMin: REAL;
    fTableSlaveMax: REAL;

    i tried to set them with different values without any change in the behavior, the only thing i have to do is to keep fEditorSlaveMax and fTableSlaveMax greater than fEditorSlaveMin and fTableSlaveMin

    there anyone that knows how them work?

    thanks in advance, Paolo Cimatti

  • pcimatti78 - 2020-09-10

    excuse me, i wanted to post this question on the motion section


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