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Executing windows cmd command

  • dave - 2023-01-11

    I'm looking to find a way to execute a windows command prompt command to either run a python script, or a curl command. Currently my code looks like:
    command := 'cd C:/Users/laptop/Desktop && python file.py';
    SysProcess.SysProcessExecuteCommand(pszComand:=command,pResult := ADR(Result));

    If I change the command to shutdown it works and will turn off my computer. Everything else I've tried does not work.

  • spiritcore - 2023-01-12

    I have the same situation.
    It seems like the staff doesn't reply to questions about SysProcess.
    As far as I understand, it does work better on Linux.
    Let's try solving it.
    I already tried 'python --version > c:\test\text.txt' but it doesn't work.
    When trying 'cd c:\test && dir > c:\test\text.txt' I can see the directory listing.
    I wonder if something is allowing it to access only CMD core commands.


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