DerPaul - 2023-09-27

Hallo Today I decided to perform an Update on my PFC200
but after the Update the Device was not reachable anymore.
I tried reseting to factory reset. Software reset and so on, but nothing helps...
In my Router I can see it, I cann SSH into the PFC200 but it is not reachable.
Then I try to go back to

But now I get this error:

[INFORMATION]   Befehl SSH auf root@ ausfΓΌhren: Laufzeitsystem stoppen
[FEHLER]        Fehlerausgabe: /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol: line 34: /opt/codesys/scripts/init-functions: No such file or directory
[INFORMATION]   Standardausgabe: /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol: line 34: /opt/codesys/scripts/init-functions: No such file or directory

Please help, I can't get this thing working...
