Save Current Values to Recipe

  • karsten - 2020-10-08

    Codesys 3.5
    I want to save my persistent variablelist in to a recipe. I now that this can be done marking the variables rightclick and press SaveCurrentValuesToRecipe, i would like to trigger this command in the PLC program by some logic. Can this be done and how

  • kislov - 2022-10-17

    Are you sure that you need exactly this command? (with note "You would normally select this command after executing the command Reorder list and clear gaps"

    Maybe the "common" way will work for you...

    • Araforn - 2022-10-17

      Thanks for your help again. So i now have what I want using the below commands.

      I needed to create the backup file incase of a power cut in which case i can simply rename it to the same name as the persvars file and reload.

    • Araforn - 2022-10-17

      Thanks for your help again. So I now have what I want using the below commands.

      I needed to create the backup file incase of a power cut in which case I can simply rename it to the same name as the persvars recipe file and reload.


      Last edit: Araforn 2022-10-17

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