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COdesys 3.5 SP15 - 16 Canvas

  • sormec - 2020-07-29

    As known the 'Canvas' still does not work.
    Anybody has been able to solve this issue ?


    • Morberis

      Morberis - 2020-07-29

      Are you talking about this?

      Call page in web server
      Requirement: A visualization is started with WebVisu.
      Start a modern browser with JavaScript and support of HTML5 canvas, for example Firefox, Chrome, IE >= 9.
      Specify the following address in the web browser:
      Formal: http://<IP address of web server>:<port of web server>/<name of HTM file>
      <name of HTM file> is the HTML start page of the visualization defined in the WebVisu object.
      β‡’ The page is displayed and you can see the data of the application and the application is running.
  • sormec - 2020-07-30

    Hello, all issues have been solved after SP16.10 install.


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