codesys 3.5 in linux

  • romul83 - 2020-04-05

    Hello, I can’t install codesys 3.5 on linux mint 19.1. Installation hangs. and
    installation comes to this place. After clicking the next button, I wait a few hours. No result
    Help if possible. What am I doing wrong.

    I carry out the installation at


    Last edit: romul83 2020-04-05
  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-04-06

    The first line reads:
    "Note: The content moved to this project"
    Have you tried yet going there and either running the install script or docker script?
    You might have to edit the script to point to the version you want.
    For me, it was better to stand up a VM of windows 10, as you need a windows OS license anyway to install the .net dependencies, and much more things work compared to running on wine🍷.
    Let us know how it goes for you.

  • romul83 - 2020-04-06

    Perhaps that is so, on a working laptop I have win10 and it costs. Now I want to put it on my home computer, and there I have no win10. In addition, I did the link from this site And as I understand it, this should work. If something needs to be fixed, I’m ready, but I need to know exactly where and what.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-04-06

    Well the cost of running it on wine or running it on win10 is the same, as the dotnet prerequisites need a windows OS license.
    But there are cases when you want "native" linux with no VM. If you follow your link.. you will see this notice (attached image). click it. there you will find a install script and docker script.
    tell me which you use and how far you get.

  • romul83 - 2020-04-08

    roman@HOUSE:~$ sudo docker build,codesys-4-linux,docker.git#:codesys-ide -t codesys-ide
    unable to prepare context: unable to find 'git': exec: "git": executable file not found in $PATH

    This is written when I launch it through docker. Which way is he asking? Where to specify it?

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-04-08

    You need to install git on linuxmint 19.1

    sudo apt install git

  • romul83 - 2020-04-12

    Hello, came to sudo docker run --privileged codesys-control and silence. What else do you need to run? Do you need to run scripts for docker or ticker separately? or not?I only did Home


    Last edit: romul83 2020-04-12
  • romul83 - 2020-04-20

    Hello, I got an error after installation. File attached

  • romul83 - 2020-04-20

    This is a photo error. In the message above, the description file is stuck.
    How to get rid of this error so that the launch of codesys 3.5 on Linux runs correctly.Thanks in advance


    Last edit: romul83 2020-04-20

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