RPI can system operation like rm in a shell have an impact on a Task cycle time

3 days ago
3 days ago
  • DavidBo - 3 days ago

    I have noticed that a rm file1.txt command on a shell has an impact on the cycle time for a TASK writing to file2.txt. Seen in the Monitor fane of the Task configuration
    Furthermore if a TASK makes a system call like rm, its cycle time increases of course but it seems to have an invisible impact on other TASKs too.
    I have a TASK for handling communication over the CANbus (SPI) where it stops sending "Heartbeats" for many seconds when another TASK does a system rm. Why is that not seen on the Monitor fane? Is even codesyscontrol paused when system calls are made?
    The CPU load is about 30-40%

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 3 days ago

    Which version exactly do you use?

  • DavidBo - 3 days ago

    3.5 18 SP2
    I think the control is I am not in the office before on Wednesday.


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