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Network Variables not updating

  • acend - 2022-09-13

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm quite new in Codesys 3.5 and I'm finding some issues on sharing Network variables between 2 PLC's.

    I'm using Codesys 3.5 SP18, and two Wago's PFC 100.

    From my PLC1, I can share a couple of Global variables block to the PLC2, but on the other direction I cannot.

    The procedure I'm following is the same for both PLC's: I have both PLC's in one project. Right click on the Global Variable block and Properties -> Network variables (config in the picture). Then on the other PLC I add a Network Variable List (Receiver), and I select the GVL that appears for selection.

    When I compile and run the PLC's, I can see what I think is the initial values of the variables, but they don't update, even if I force the variables on the source PLC.

    Note: I have tried several times this procedure, with different Identifiers and also using the Export&Import file procedure, with no success for the second PLC.

    Any idea why I can't make it work?

    Thank you in advance.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-09-13

    I would give this a try:
    instead of using
    use 192.168.x.255 as broadcast address in the network variables settings.
    Not every Linux OS does allow to send


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2022-09-13
  • alex-wall - 2024-05-07

    This worked for me.
    I had four identical PLC's. Three of them worked just fine with as the broadcasting address but the 4th would not update the variables. Changed it to 192.168.x.255 and everything worked.


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