Error does not happens everytime but randomly. Error cannot be acquitted. Codesys runtime has to restart to clear the error. After restart, it works again.
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I got same issue but managed to get it to work again by downgrading the Runtime.
Here's my specs:
CODESYS V3.5.19.0
Runtime Linux SL
CSV Utility SL (Licensed IIoT libraries SL)
I tried Runtime and but both result in INVALID_HANDLE error.
Last edit: roundex 2023-08-30
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this is a security issue not to read/write in the plc allowed path I would recommend to update and change the path in the application were the files areπ
Last edit: eschwellinger 2023-08-30
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We changed the path where the CSV file is. From intern memory of the IPC to a USB key. We still have this error 'INVALID_HANDLE'. We must restart the Codesys runtime to clear it. That is a big problem for us because machine is in production.
@eschwellinger What do you mean by "this is a security issue not to read/write in the plc allowed path"
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Codesys IDE is
Sometimes the bloc CSVReaderInit from the library CSVUtility ( returns the following error : INVALID_HANDLE.
How can I get more informations about the meaning of this error ?

Thx you
Last edit: totorovic 2023-06-27
more posts ...
which runtime & version are you using?
Runtime is CODESYS Softmotion RTE x64 version
Do you have news about this error ?
Error does not happens everytime but randomly. Error cannot be acquitted. Codesys runtime has to restart to clear the error. After restart, it works again.
this is not a known, which version of csvreader is it?
Possible that you are using not latest version?
I cannot get a version for the bloc csvreader.
I only get a version for the CSVUtility library ( as indicated on top.
It seems that a is released the 18.12.2018 but the link goes to a 'Seite nicht gefunden' page.
Please, how can I get more informations about the meaning of this error ?
use either the CODESYS Installer and install IIoT libraries or download the IIoT libs here:
(csv is part of this bundle)
We installed IIoT libraries (and upgrade csv_utility to newest version).
Now we get error message with licence.
same problem here
Last edit: mozed 2023-07-20
Hello, is there already a solution for this problem (invalid handle)? 3 month ago the librarie work without problems...
Actually no solution. We are waiting Codesys reply.
Latest version of library : licence error message
Version : INVALID_HANDLE error message
Can we please have some details about the error : INVALID_HANDLE?
So we can try to avoid it.
I got same issue but managed to get it to work again by downgrading the Runtime.
Here's my specs:
CODESYS V3.5.19.0
Runtime Linux SL
CSV Utility SL (Licensed IIoT libraries SL)
I tried Runtime and but both result in INVALID_HANDLE error.
Last edit: roundex 2023-08-30
this is a security issue not to read/write in the plc allowed path I would recommend to update and change the path in the application were the files areπ
Last edit: eschwellinger 2023-08-30
Could you please give me an example where to select new path in plc. Right now my csv files are placed into /home/user/csvfiles
Thank you for the return. The path targets to a CFast card. User has R/W access to it. We will try to change it.
We changed the path where the CSV file is. From intern memory of the IPC to a USB key.
We still have this error 'INVALID_HANDLE'. We must restart the Codesys runtime to clear it. That is a big problem for us because machine is in production.
@eschwellinger What do you mean by "this is a security issue not to read/write in the plc allowed path"