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Device Reconfigure GPios on raspberry not supported?

  • hence.persson - 2021-08-11


    I need to be able from the runtime enable the GPio as we have applications where the GPios isnt controlled from codesys and we have the same codebase..

    I have used the DED.Reconfigure before but when trying to enable/disable I get the error not supported.. Am I doing something wrong or is the reconfiguration of GPIO really not supported?

  • Ingo

    Ingo - 2021-08-12

    AFAIK it is not.

    Maybe a workaround:
    drive your GPIOs from one task only (double check this in the 'task deployment' view). Do this in an Event task, which you trigger from a cyclic task, but only when you want to use those GPIOs.

    This way you have control over, what's written to the GPIOs during runtime. The initialization is still done by the CODESYS driver, but then you are able to reconfigure them in your external application.



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