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CNC from SMC_StringStream

  • alejho

    alejho - 2020-12-31

    I'm trying to use SMC_StringStream to feed an SMC_NCInterpreter.
    I'm using the output of SMC_StringStream as input for a SMC_NCTokenizer, then its output as input for a SMC_NCTokenParser and finally I pass the generated sequence to SMC_NCInterpreter as described in the documentation.

    Unfortunately SMC_NCTokenParser always return SMC_PRS_INCOMPLETE_SENTENCE_IN_TOKEN_QUEUE even for a simple single gcode program (like 'N10 G0 X100 F50') that runs without problems from a file using SMC_ReadNCFile2.

    How should be correctly composed a string for SMC_StringStream?
    Someone has some experience with this?...there's some working example somewhere?

  • kishan - 2022-09-13

    for G00 = FF50
    SO 'N00 G00 X0 FF50'


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