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(IPMLCI) error after CodeSys V3.5 SP5 patch 3 installation

  • tooextmar - 2014-11-14

    Just installed the new CodeSys V3.5 SP5 patch 3 with default installation options selected.
    I have a simple TCP/IP plugin which refers Core.dll
    In the postbuild event in Visual studio 2012 I run the IPMLCI.exe to install the plugin into Codesys.
    After installing CodeSys V3.5 SP5 patch 3 I get an error when running the post build event (error code 1)
    When I try to manually install the plugin using IPMCLI.exe directly using the gui, I get the error
    "Could not load file or assembly 'Core, verison= or one of itΒ΄s dependencies".The system cannot find the file specified.
    I tried to change the reference in visual studio to the new Core.dll version in the Codesys common folder but the same message appears. The build options on all Codesys references are set to Copy local.

    Any ideas?

  • andipandi - 2015-09-29

    You could try to update the reference path of the whole project (Settings->Reference Paths), since probably core.dll depends on other .dlls in the same folder.

    Also, "copy to local" is a difficult thing, most often it is a good idea not to use it and to work on the original .dlls (original location) if possible. Sometimes it copies only part of the required .dlls and later on you will use .dlls from all over the place.


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