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Codesys Gateway not running

  • ibarroso - 2021-12-16

    At some point after updating my Codesys Development Environment - although I am not sure whether it is related or not - to Codesys V3.5 SP17 Patch 2 + (64-bit), I started to have problems with the Codesys Gateway service not starting.

    If I open the Windows Services, the related service is configured correctly (it is suppose to start automatically):

    However the Windows Task Manager is telling me the service is not running (Detenido = Stopped):

    And therefore, the Codesys Development Environment shows the Gateway is not running:

    If I try to open the Gateway system tray in admin mode and starting it by myself, it does not work. It remains stopped:

    Any suggestion about how to fix this issue?


  • ibarroso - 2021-12-20

    Reparing the installation from the Codesys installer seems to solve the problem. At least in my case:

  • chilcoja - 2022-03-08

    Also worked for me.

    Upon initial installation of V3.5 SP17 Patch 3 (64-bit), Gateway would not start (could not be started) on any other version installation. Ran Codesys Installer and "repaired" Installation and Gateway functions now on all installations.


  • nehaltrivedi - 2022-06-07

    @chilcoja @ibarroso how can i repair the gateway. Can you guide me the steps.


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