Beaglebone GPIOs empty in device tree

  • rjt100 - 2022-01-15

    Hi - I'm new to Codesys and setting up a BBB for the first time. I've installed the BBB package from the Codesys store, and can connect to the BBB etc., but the GPIOs aren't showing up in the device tree (screenshot attached). I've tried adding the 'codesyscontrol.devdesc.xml' file in 'C:\Users\XXX\CODESYS Control for BeagleBone SL\\Devices' directly to the Device Repository and restarting Codesys, but this doesn't work. Any guidance appreciated!


    Last edit: rjt100 2022-01-15
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-01-16

    Even not if you execute 'plug device'?

  • rjt100 - 2022-01-16

    'Plug device' worked :-) Thank you so much. I don't think this is the official documentation...

  • rjt100 - 2022-01-16

    Now I just need my first flash led program, and I'm there (I'm always too optimistic) ;-)


    Last edit: rjt100 2022-01-16

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