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warrning unexpecting working counters

  • attarzade - 2021-06-18

    Hello all
    I have issue when i start ethercut IO as shown in picture above, I got this message "warning unexpected working countres :number of slaves has changed or is different to the configuration"
    Thanks alot.

  • attarzade - 2021-06-18

    Could you help me to solve this issue ?
    Thanks in advance

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-06-19

    .. either a wiring problem or the crevis slave has a problem I would say.
    Check additional the status page in the Ethercat Master.
    There are you should sse LostFrame Counter etc


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-06-19
  • attarzade - 2021-06-22

    Δ±ssue solved thanks for your assistant.


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